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(184/185) 395 - XML: offer way to specify xml.root once in a directory

Offer a way to specify xml.root= through the creation of a file that is also in that directory.

Something like a catalog file, but it specifies the default xml.root for xml files in that directory, so that it is not necessary to specify it for each file also, as we do in the jEdit users guide.

Submitted ezust - 2020-02-11 12:47:19.674000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2020-02-12 03:46:15.806000

What do you mean by "xml.root"?
Can you please give an example?

2020-02-12 14:07:38.974000

For the jEdit users guide if you look at any of the .xml docbook files that is not the root, you will see in comments, jEdit mode properties that look like this:
This tells the xml parser to start parsing and validating there.